Friday, February 27, 2015

Hizzonor’s Dishonor

First he says Obama doesn’t love the United States…

He governs a land he disdains
Hizzonor Giuliani complains
He grew up abroad
So his thinking is odd
His love of country is something he feigns.

..because he “is not one of us.”

Giuliani makes thinly veiled slurs
They’re not racist he quickly assures
The comments aren’t racist
It’s not race he insists
But his upbringing to which he refers.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Class Reunions

Upcoming high school reunions have got me thinking.  If I could go back in time I wouldn’t pick the year I was 16.

It's reunion year for my class
Fifty years through rose colored glass
Details are obscure
But I'm pretty sure
Back then I was really an ass.

We all remember things differently, what really happened, what were we really like?  Who you gonna trust?

Jus what was I like long ago?
Memories morph and they grow
For accuracy
Should I trust me
Or is it my friends who would know?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Congress is Off This Week - Well, They’re Off

Israel has an election next month, which we would never try to influence, and it’s usually the President who invites heads of state.

By inviting Netanyahu to town 
John Boehner is breaking new ground
Protocol violated
Prerogative inflated
In his effort to put Barack down.

There is no other reason to do this except that it feels good.

In the House, Republicans hold sway
And vote to kill Obamacare Today!
He’ll veto the measure
So it’s just for their pleasure
Are they playing Fifty Shades of Nay?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Is This Offensive 2 U?

Twitter, e mail, and thumbtyping wreak havoc with grammar and spelling.  Sometimes it really bothers me.

The way people write and they talk
Screeches like blackboard and chalk.
If they’re understood
Does that mean it’s good,
Despite the aural assault?

Yet, I am happy it’s a living language, and sometimes it’s POW.

English has long been in ferment
As writers bend rules and invent
It’s colorful making
It’s grammar rule breaking
And Shakespeare was preeminent.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow School Today

I’ve been shoveling since I got out of bed
The snow banks are over my head
As all children know
To enjoy the snow
Stop shoveling and jump on a sled!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday

All the inflated rhetoric and egos were upstaged by allegedly underinflated footballs.

A playoff is a high pressure game
All teams feel their passions inflame
As game pressure mounts
Every little bit counts,
But the footballs do not feel the same.

Once again PBS takes on the NFL.

For more than six hours on the air
The best teams in football are there
It’s two teams against
Lord Grantham and servants,
I Say! It scarcely seems fair.