Thursday, April 30, 2015

Will the Pope's Encyclical Cite Man's Role in Climate Change?

I'm not a Catholic, but I thought that the Pope is their authority on all things spiritual.  I thought Catholics speak to God through the Pope, and vice versa.

The Pope made Conservatives irate
By joining the Global Warming debate
Their position is odd
Doubting science and God
Giving neither authority much weight.

I never did understand infallibility.

The Pope they claim is misled
By what many scientists have said
They may call the encyclical
Misinformed Papal Bull
And substitute their own faith instead.

After 400 years Galileo's contributions to science were acknowledged.

The Church ignored science in history
Remember Galileo Galilei?
With the climate disaster
The Church caught on faster
While the Tea Party denies it completely.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and ... Who's Next?

Marco Rubio now joined the fray
Once he was Jeb's protege
Will their friendship survive
A sustained campaign drive
Will they throw mud in each other's way?

He's the future, he's young and he's buff
He's Cuban, and fiscally tough
Will he get the nod?
Because behind that facade
Is the same old Tea Party stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Demographically Significant Candidate

To no one’s surprise Hillary Clinton has declared her candidacy.  She’s not Bill.

As Hillary has tried to make plain
She has a compassionate side to her brain
We’ve come to respect
Her drive and intellect
Will she listen, will she feel our pain?

Many Republicans despise her.

She has brains, experience and moxie
She’s been chased in the past by paparazzi
She has a long history
And irked the GOP
Who will hound her forever on Banghazi.

The president of the NRA says that white Christian Men are under attack from others, and she’s one of them.

The campaign may be brutal for Hillary
Republicans are eager to pillory
Her for her e mail
For being female
And more such offenses and villainy.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Different Politician - Maybe

With only  9 months to go until the first primary, they’re off and running.

The next in the ring is Ron Paul
Who’s blunt and outspoken and all
Given his stances
What are his chances
Of surviving the primary Brawl?

He was Libertarian not long ago
His defense posture was starting to show
Comparing his stand 
To the GOP brand
Will he stand firm or go with the flow?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Different Texas Politician

The Cuban, Irish-American, Canadian Texas Politician named Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz has an interesting family history.

Cruz senior once worked for Castro
Then religion called him to follow.
Cruz junior’s a debater
A government berater
A follower of hubris and ego.

And some different ideas.

Climate change is “flat-earther’s” ruse
According to Senator Cruz
He’s Ivy League trained
But Tea Party brained
A brain is a sad thing to lose.

He’s memorized the US constitution
But says government’s a bad institution
His career has been spent
Working for government
Will a shut down be his contribution?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Deja Views

Remember how easily we would liberate and democratize Iraq, and how the oil revenue would pay for everything?   Well, last week one of those piece of cake war shills published an Op-Ed in the NY Times saying that our only option is to bomb Iran.  Now. 

The warmonger John Bolton is back
To say that we have to attack
Iran now.  No admission
Or sign of contrition
That he was dead wrong on Iraq.

If I had predicted that Harvard would win the NCAA basketball tournament last year, would the NY Times publish my prediction for this year?  and yet…

His prophecy on Iraq proved untrue
Should the Times waste ink on his view
And print his Op-Ed
Or should they instead
Give discredit where discredit is due?