Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What Part of Deja Vu Did You Miss?

Just remember when you come to a fork in the road, just take it.

Yogi was one of a kind
In baseball, he said, you will find
The brain is essential
The game's mostly mental
And the rest is all in your mind.

So you wanna hit that new restaurant everyone's talking about?

There are long lines outside the door
There’s no room to move around on the floor
It was a popular spot
But now it is not
It's so crowded no one goes there anymore.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thank You Yogi

Yogi Berra ( May 12, 1925 - September 22, 2015 ) was one of my heroes when I was young for his baseball skills.  He is still my hero for his verbal skills.  I hope his fans don't mind my mangling his words.

Yogi had a philosopher’s touch
He said the situation is such
That it’s hard to converse
And it’s getting much worse
Because everyone's talking too much.

Before the fat lady starts singing
Pay attention to what's happening
Open your ears and your eyes
It may be a surprise
You can observe a lot by just watching

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Primary Problems

It’s been a long primary season and there’s been a disaster on the G.O.P side and a surprise on the Democratic side.

She has experience, connections, desire
He sets the big crowds on fire
She had a big lead
Now it’s harder to read
This race may come down to the wire.


Hillary’s the policy master
Bernie wants more change and faster
Whichever you prefer
Either is better 
Than Trump, the shape shifting disaster.

Can you finish this one?  I’ve been struggling without success

If the wire is where the two meet,
line 2
line 3
line 4
But it’s Trump that they need to defeat.

Monday, May 16, 2016

No Wall Will Keep Them Out

Every year you get shocked and awed by an unrelenting band of assailants.

They attack when you step out the door
In a bloody and undeclared war
They remain undeterred
By the casualties incurred
It’s the neighborhood Black Fly Air Corps.

And that’s just the opening salvo in a summer long battle.

It’s spring and the black flies are back
The first wave of the blood letting pack
They bite and dig in
Preparing your skin
For a follow up mosquito attack.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It Used to be Safe to Talk About the Weather

The Chicken Little Climate Change Fantasists have convinced a government (that doesn’t want to spend a dime to improve health care for women) to spend up to one billion dollars to help with ‘climate resilience’.  Just how far are liberals prepared to go with their Global Warming hoax?  


We’re spending taxpayer dollars to coax
Some sea level Isle dwelling folks
To flee while here’s time
As sea levels climb
Is Climate Change just a liberal hoax?

We are doing too little too late
Global Warming will be our fate
Will we reduce
Our pollution, abuse,
Or will nature just redecorate?

Friday, May 6, 2016

 4 No Trump

No comment.

After nine months out on the stumps
The GOP’s down in the dumps
They’ve handed their branding
To the last bigot standing,
The crudest of curmudgeons and grumps.

Right now it seems Trump is the man.
For everything he has a plan,
He’ll tame his buffoon,
Or we will know soon
What happens when shit hits a fan.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Spring Returns

… to my step?  Maybe a little.  Spring pushes me to start jogging again.  Actually, it removes some of the winter obstacles to jogging, I still have to do the pushing.  The first few times out this spring I walked intermittently, but last week, for the first time in a while…

I jogged the entire three miles
And placed in the upper deciles
Competition was nolo
(I was running solo)
And I finished with gasps and not smiles.

Two in a row.

Today I jogged all the way round
Forty minutes of heels pounding ground
Often gasping for air
Yet many will swear
It’s the way inner peace can be found.