Both Sides Now
They’ve already investigated her role in Benghazi more thoroughly than Iraq’s WMD, now Congress wants her e mails. Colin Powell used an AOL account for some of his e mails and said it was faster and more efficient than the State Dept. System. (I had to look hard to find that on a credible web site.)
They complain, they scream and they howl
Lock her up, she’s crooked, she’s foul
They fail to recall
Private e mail protocol
Was employed by Colin L. Powell.
Now there’s the Clinton Foundation.
A donor wanted to meet with Hillary to get a visa for a soccer player - didn’t happen. LOCK HER UP.
Paul Manafort worked for pro Russian Ukranians and funneled money illegally to US lobbying firms and the Republican platform was changed to favor Putin’s intentions in the Ukraine. YAWN.
Hillary’s record’s not pure
And Congressional committees are sure
If they continue to dig
They’ll find something big
In her petty peccadillos du jour.