Thursday, February 23, 2017

 Bad High School Students

He claims a bad high school student would understand his executive orders better than those ‘so-called judges.’  I think a bad high school student could do a better acting job as ‘so-called President.’  

These executive orders are fun
I just ask my aides to draft one
In which I declare
To the people out there
That my tasks are completed and done.

And we learned something about how #fakenews is created.  It makes no sense, but that would be expecting too much.

Your logic contains a mistake
So explain it again for my sake.
The leaks are quite real
But the facts they reveal
When broadcast as news become fake?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Promises, Promises

I make big mistakes now and then
Most of the time it is when
I fail to think through
What I should do
Every time, it won’t happen again.

An adage a day keeps the metaphors flowing.

When you are deep in a hole that you dug
You can’t sweep it under the rug
It’s all over the fan
Pull your head from the sand
Drop your weapon and just pull the plug.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Can You Spell Emoluments?

The Mar a Lago Club is open to anyone of any ethnic origin or religious affiliation.  But they are all of the same Creed - $$$ and Power.  And the initiation fee just doubled to $200,000 because it now has more cachet.

His club in Palm Beach is the best
Your every need is addressed
There you will meet
The wealthy elite
And truth is an unwelcome guest.

Why all this fuss about our President’s conflicts of interest?  There is no conflict, it’s just that his interests don’t fit well with that oath he took.

All this Conflict of Interest commotion
Is a stupid ridiculous notion
Donald has shown
He has one interest alone
His image.  It’s ALL self promotion.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Is It Just a Theory?  

It seems that Science has lost its Street Cred.  Don’t people realize what science has brought us?  Scientific discoveries have contributed so much to make this country great.  There are mistakes, but eventually the scientific method will uncover reality.  Galileo was right for 500 years before the Catholic Church would acknowledge it.

When I was a student, a youth
Science meant a search for the truth
Now it’s derided
And Truth is decided
By majority vote in the booth.

You don’t like what scientists have concluded?  It still applies to you.  There’s no opting out,

The Religious tell all atheists
Despite your beliefs God exists.
With science, disbelief
Provides no relief
From the findings of true scientists.