Sunday, March 26, 2017


With Ryan's tax reduction disguised as healthcare reduction failure, and the Gorsuch Denver Rodeo hearings, you may have forgotten that the investigation into Russian interference got sidetracked by rants about leaks and wiretaps.  But remember...

A victory for Vladimir Putin
And the man for whom he was rootin'
No one expected
They'd get Trump elected;
A coup without any shootin'.

When did Russian meddling begin?
Did it start with Trump's primary win?
Were they in each state
To help make us great?
How big's the Trump card they're holding?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

 R.I.P. (Rock'n'roll In Paradise)

Sorry Donald, the front page isn’t all yours today.  There is important real news to cover.

Sixty years on the Rock ’n Roll scene,
With Nadine, Sweet Little Sixteen,
Roll Over Beethoven
Chuck Berry is comin’
After years motorvatin’ Maybelline.

He gave us great Rock ’n Roll music
He took rhythm and blues and infused it
With a story to tell
And good humor as well
His spirit’s alive, we won’t lose it.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Businessman in Chief

For some reason Mexico declined the opportunity to build a beautiful border wall, but businessmen find ways to get things done, obstacles are just opportunities by another name.

He portrayed their evil so luridly
And he’s planning the wall very hurriedly
The money won’t come
From Mexico, but from
The Coast Guard and airport security.

So Coast Guard funding gets cut?  If they would think like businessmen they could make up the loss in funding very easily.

The Coast Guard interdicts off shore drug runs
And confiscates thousands of tons
If they retailed the stuff
They’d soon earn enough
To replenish all of those funds.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Is the Abuser Abused?

Kellyanne Conway is harsh on Trump’s critics, and is definitely an abuser of truth, but look at her enabling behavior and how she is treated.  For the last couple of weeks they've shut her up.

Kellyanne, they hid you a way
For some ill-advised comments one day.
They make no such fuss
When Bannon or Priebus
Have equally dumb things to say.

When a spouse lies and covers up for his or her partner that’s enabling abusive behavior.

You’re doing all that you can
To support and enable your man
Spouting alternative facts.
Aren’t feminist acts
Are you being abused, Kellyanne?