Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A One Hundred Day Fund Filled Play-Cation

The Majority Leader, the Speaker and the Prez walk into a deadline.....

A turtle like Senate buffoon,
A gym rat, and a business tycoon,
Can they find a way
To keep critics at bay
And fund the Government soon?

This hundred day benchmark's a farce
Though his record has been off the charts
He has done more
Than any President before
Although the evidence is sparse.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Diversity On Wall Street

He wants his power to be absolute.

Several tons of unbridled masculinity
Meets stylized juvenile femininity 
They stand face to face
She's invaded his space
And he gripes of her threatening proximity.

Notice how the woman gets blamed.

'Charging Bull' was quite happy alone
Tons of bronze testosterone
'Fearless Girl' gets the blame
For a vixen like game
Exploiting him in a scheme of her own.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Wanted; A Bit of Alright

Recent articles in The NY Times cite studies that show the benefits of a positive outlook.

This blog's not a heavy endeavor,
And I know it won't go on forever
Lately at times
I struggle with rhymes
That don't seem amusing or clever.

Research says optimism will give
You a better life and longer to live,
But the world situation
Gives scant inspiration
For thoughts that I call positive.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Representative Democracy

Or should I say democrazy?

He said he would 'drain the swamp' promptly
Because it is fetid and pongy 
He's altered it some
So it has become
More cat boxy than it is swampy.

The cabinet choices say so much.

Wilber Ross and Tillerson; plutocracy
Rick Perry and DeVos; idiocracy
Jeff Sessions and Flynn
Kelly Conway, Mnuchin
Steve Bannon and Trump; hypocracy.