Friday, September 29, 2017

Equality and Respect

Cheers to the athletes who have joined the protest.

To kneel before God shows respect
It’s deference a King might expect
Give me a reason
Some think it treason
For athletes who wish to genuflect.

One kneels to show deep reverence
It’s respectful and shows deference
When done before God.
So I think it odd
It’s defiance at sporting events.

And on the other side of the world another oppressed group has been granted a small step toward equality.  I hope it’s a real one and not just a why-not-it-won’t-matter-much-anyway decision.

For the Saudi Arabian female
Driving won’t land them in jail
Is it a step forward?
For soon, I have heard
Driverless cars go on sale.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Time for Spring Cleaning?

I’ve got clothes that I’ll never wear
I’ve got gadgets I’ll never repair
I’ve got books I won’t read
I’ve got files I don’t need
And no closets or storage to spare.

Just to be clear, I’m no hoarder.  I don’t have old newspapers.  (I read them on-line).  This is potentially useful stuff.

Most of this stuff is OK
And maybe I’ll use it one day
I just find it hard
To choose what to discard,
I hate to throw good things away.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Time to Go Outside

Think outside the box, color outside the lines, step outside yourself … and other advice from the outside.

It’s a problem I must solve on my own
My dissatisfaction has grown
After all of this time
I realize that I’m
Ill at ease in my own comfort zone.

Is your comfort zone feeling too small?
Do you venture outside it at all?
Here’s a peptalk, 
When you learned to walk
How many times did you fall?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Climate Change, Sex Change

A while back all tropical storms had feminine names.  Can we blame the increasing frequency and severity of the storms on the decision to give them masculine name too?  Is this creating a sexual competition?

With all the havoc they render,
Whole counties run through a blender,
Hurricanes have been
Traditionally feminine
Is Harvey really transgender?

Is Harvey, with his torrential rains
And winds faster than passenger trains,
For the people of Texas,
Who don’t care what his sex is,
One of herstory's worst hisicanes?

But Irma will not be outdone.

Monday, September 4, 2017

OCERD - Obsessive Current Events Ruminative Disorder

The constant barrage wears me down, fall is coming and I would like to broaden my choice of topics.

Every day the news is depressing
It’s relentless and I’ve been obsessing
My attitude’s been such
That I’ve lost the light touch;
For humor I should be digressing.

Time to reboot.

So much for my childish fantasy
Fame and fortune from short poetry
I’ve been persistent
Though not very consistent 
In posting them on line for free.