Thursday, October 26, 2017

 Wherein Lies the Truth?

Prevarication, mendacity, falsehood, untruth, spin, dishonesty, deceit, fraudulent, fallacious, perfidious, and BS all were well established before anyone started talking about alternative reality, alternative facts and post truth.  Blunt language is not telling it like it is when it’s a LIE.

This is the year truth may die
It’s truly the year of the lie.
Lies barefaced, not subtle
Immune to rebuttal
With fact checkers ceasing to try.

Here’s where I stand.

Lying is not my forté
Somehow I give it away
When something’s not true.
So I’ll never lie to you
(As every good liar would say).

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fires and Floods

Here are two sides to the argument about Global Warming, Climate Change, Natural Cycle, Hoax, or End of Days.

The havoc is all aftermath
Of straying too far from God’s path
He’s punishing us
For lasciviousness
The storms are a sign of God’s wrath.

Many have said that Katrina, Hugo, Harvey, Jose and Maria are God’s punishment for the LGBT lifestyles.  Odd, but that sounds to me as though Man’s behavior is the cause of the Fires and Floods.

Burning fossil fuels year after year
Polluted the earth’s atmosphere
The earth warms - we’ll fry it
With our high carbon diet
The science behind it is clear.

The science says it IS Man’s behavior that is the cause of the Fires and Floods.  The solutions are very different, but there is some common ground.