Thursday, December 28, 2017

To the New Year

I would like to wish everybody a happy holiday season, and a wonderful New Year.  I would like to end the year on a cheery note.  I would like to celebrate the lengthening days and a resurgence of hope.  But right now, I’m a bit under the weather.

My eyes are runny, my nose is red
I can scarcely breathe when prone in bed
This West Coast cold
Now six days old
Leaves an ache that was my head.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Big Tax Attack

Chuck Grassley let everyone know the motivation behind the new tax attack on the middle class:  “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley told the Register in a story published Saturday. “As opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

The middle class is of little concern
They spend every penny they earn
So why help the poor
They’ll just spend some more
But the rich need more money to burn.

With Democrats in power they thrived.  In what should be a more supportive habitat they have disappeared.

The loss of a species is linked
To the tax reform bill to be inked
The loud raucous bird
Is no longer heard
The Deficit Hawk is extinct.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Deficit Attention Disorder

The Party of Fiscal Responsibility wants to increase the deficit dramatically.  In a couple of years they’ll complain about it and reduce every social program they can think of.  I haven’t figured out how they’ll blame the Democrats, but that’s coming too.  It’s all based on voodoo economics, imaginary history and obscenely big buck donations from the ‘deserving 1%’.

They’re out on a tax cutting spree
Ignoring economic history
Growth will soon fade
If cuts are made
But it will strengthen the plutocracy.

The Democrats seethe and scramble while the smiling, smug Hypocrats congratulate themselves and gloat.

The Republican soul has been bared
Congress has clearly declared
Disregard for deficits
If they help the rich
And no deficit hawk even cared.