Monday, October 8, 2018

Why Do Collins and Flake Even Pretend?

Collins waffled and hemmed and she hawed
Though the nominee is blatantly flawed
He dissembled, denied
Bullied and lied
And SCOTUS is now Kavanaughed.

Her independence is merely a myth
She’s part of her party’s monolith
She’s sorely deluded
If she thinks she’s included 
In a league with Margaret Chase Smith.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Who You Gonna Believe?

Alright it was Finland not Denmark, but doesn't this sound familiar?

Would it or wouldn't it be
Is this week's controversy
Whether it's best
To reality test
Or live in your own fantasy?

The bald guy was smiling, but the big guy with the hair looked glum.

The flames that pass for his hair
Suck the oxygen out of the air
So none can remain
To operate his brain,
Assuming he's got one in there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Theater of the Absurd

It’s on.  Kim and Trump meet in a Ego Stroke of Diplomacy.  But before that it was off, but through Trump’s mythical skill as a negotiator, it’s on again.  I knew I’d seen a similar act before.

Remember the singer James Brown
From exhaustion he’d collapse on the ground
Fans feared for the worst
But with a high energy burst
He’d continue and bring the house down.

And before the worst hair day ever, Trump showed his strength by running away from the G7 meeting.  Securely ensconced in Air Force 1, surrounded by intimidated sycophants, he disavowed his agreement with the meeting results.  Safe from the real world of international relations and intelligent reasonable leaders, he resumed his lying, insulting and bullying.  

How does this make America Greater?
The Self Proclaimed Master Deal Maker
Agrees with the way
They draft the communique
Then reneges just a few hours later.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Continuing #SAGA

It’s a case of too much evidence.

Trump bitches some more every day
Giuliani has joined the affray
But Counsel Bob Mueller
Thank God has stayed cooler -
A Bob Cat just stalking his prey.

I’m waiting for Mueller to strike
Since we know what Donald is like -
All bile and attack -
For that lying sack
A perp walk is too short a hike. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Penny for My Thoughts?

Highly overpriced.

My brain cells may not follow the norm
When they’re active and gather a quorum
Thoughts may find their ways
Through the cerebral maze
Their various blunders to perform.

Expectations are often harsh critics.  How much Practice does it take to make Perfect?  I certainly don’t know.

Practice is an unpleasant chore
My mistakes are too hard to ignore
I don’t like what I hear
But they won’t disappear
Unless I endure them some more.

You can check out the results of infrequent practice and even modest expectations at:

I, Alone - a campaign song

NameTags - a song about school reunions 2 versions, one with the lyrics printed, one live

State of Confusion = describing the consequences of growing up in Summit, NJ

Rainbow Blues - what it’s like to be an underachiever in a very successful class

50 Ways to conquer Stage Fright - a live performance by a very shy performer 

Saturday, March 31, 2018

 Fake Tears

The last couple of months have been a blur.

I was recently decataracted
But sadly both eyes have reacted
To all the drops they prescribed
For healing my eyes
And my vision was badly impacted.

My vision is improving.  Although I’m mainlining artificial tears, often a veil descends and blurs everything.  Ironic isn’t it, when there is so much in the news to weep about, I need Fake Tears.

The doctor says not to despair
Such reactions are not very rare
The tear film will return
To eliminate the blurrin’
And the cornea will soon self repair.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Oh, It’s Lying Time Again 

This week Trump boasted of lying to Justin Trudeau about U.S. Canada trade.  After more than a year of denying any Russian influence on the 2016 election, the Trump administration invoked sanctions on Russia for their disinformation campaign.  Trump doesn’t like to lose, and when he realized his lying wasn’t as effective as the Russians, it was time for retribution.

Trump craves fortune and fame
And will lie to promote the Trump name
But the Russian operation
Of disinformation
Put Donald’s weak efforts to shame.
Trump got caught, but really it wasn’t Donald’s fault.  Why didn’t those high IQ advisors warn him that the good looking, nice guy (lightweight) Canadian premier might have done his homework?  Somebody should get fired.   Except in Trumpworld Trump’s brilliant improvisation becomes the truth.

Who’d imagine that Justin Trudeau
Would know about US trade flow
And doubt the belief 
Of our Liar-in-Chief?
How was poor Donald to know?

Sunday, March 11, 2018


A friend pointed out the the word shambolic - legitimized by the NY Times among others - is the adjectification of the noun shambles.  So in addition to nouning and verbing we need to track adjectifying and adverbing.  So today i’m working on adjectification.

The White House operation’s shambolic
The state of the staff is scrambolic
They support and rationalize
Ad hoc policies and lies
Of a boss who is highly gambolic.

Enough already!  Literally, adjectivally, symbolically and politically.

Trump will stumble and fumble and bumble
He’s a bully who wants others to rumble
Mueller, I hope
Can Rope the big Dope
And bring him down with a tumble.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

I am Against Domestic Violence

It scarcely needs to be said, but now you know.

When General Kelly learned that Rob Porter
Had beaten his wife and floored her
Kelly fired him at once
(Plus eight or more months)
By an effective immediately order.

The rot starts at the top.  And according to the top, Porter has a great career ahead of him, even though he failed to get security clearance.

Wife beating had caused him to fail
And opened him up to blackmail
But the news is now out 
So I’m sure there’s no doubt
He could continue his old job - from jail.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Smart or Stupid?

Ever notice how some people, pets or other animals can be very clever or smart about some things?

The Rat wannabes have returned
But it seems that the mice now have learned
If they sniff at the trap
Their necks will go snap
So the bait I put out has been spurned.

And clueless or stupid about other matters?

They drop stuff behind everywhere
Are they dumb or just unaware?
It they cleaned up their scat
I might not know that
The mice had even been there.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


How am I feeling?  Fair to maudlin.

Because I have not jogged at all lately
And been spending my mornings sedately
My jogs were the times
I worked on my rhymes
My output has fallen off greatly.

Tuning fifty I was still cruising
Reaching sixty was a bit less amusing
The years slip on by
The numbers get high
And seventy was more of a bruising.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Trying to Catch Up

Traveling broadens your horizons.  Berkeley, CA, late morning, everyday between Christmas and New Years, men, women, students sitting outside various coffee shops talking and having coffee.  Looks enticing.  Back in Maine after New Years - No Freezing Way.

Men sitting outside drinking coffee
Conversation seems easy and free
Just shooting the breeze
Relaxed and at ease
I admit I regard them with envy.

Unfortunately it’s not just the weather, I think it’s me.

There’s so much that I’ve left unfinished
My task list is never diminished
I don’t have a clue
What I would do
With time and money to do as I wished.