Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Theater of the Absurd

It’s on.  Kim and Trump meet in a Ego Stroke of Diplomacy.  But before that it was off, but through Trump’s mythical skill as a negotiator, it’s on again.  I knew I’d seen a similar act before.

Remember the singer James Brown
From exhaustion he’d collapse on the ground
Fans feared for the worst
But with a high energy burst
He’d continue and bring the house down.

And before the worst hair day ever, Trump showed his strength by running away from the G7 meeting.  Securely ensconced in Air Force 1, surrounded by intimidated sycophants, he disavowed his agreement with the meeting results.  Safe from the real world of international relations and intelligent reasonable leaders, he resumed his lying, insulting and bullying.  

How does this make America Greater?
The Self Proclaimed Master Deal Maker
Agrees with the way
They draft the communique
Then reneges just a few hours later.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Continuing #SAGA

It’s a case of too much evidence.

Trump bitches some more every day
Giuliani has joined the affray
But Counsel Bob Mueller
Thank God has stayed cooler -
A Bob Cat just stalking his prey.

I’m waiting for Mueller to strike
Since we know what Donald is like -
All bile and attack -
For that lying sack
A perp walk is too short a hike.