Thursday, January 30, 2014

The state of the union

Congress has been incredibly slow
With almost no progress to show.
Because the GOP brand
Means a principled stand -
Obama says yes they say no.

The state of the state of Maine

Our governor up here in Maine
Is cantankerous, abrupt and profane
He gives critics permission
To give him a kiss in
A place where he causes us pain.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Economic Inequality

It's not a recession - it just feels like one

Making a living has lately been tough:
One per cent grabs most of the stuff
Most others are reeling
And all have the feeling
That they really aren’t getting enough.

Based on Timothy Egan's op ed piece in the NY Times - Jan 24, 2014

A few billionaires (eighty-five -
And the richest people alive),
Combined possess more
Than three and a half billion poor
Who may not have enough to survive.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

To John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946)

The Theory

When the economy is sluggish and slow
Because aggregate demand is too low
John Maynard Keynes
Clearly explains
How deficit spending makes it grow.

Modern Economic doctrine

Fiscal stimulus is just so passé
Fiscal restraint is the mantra today
The austerity reign 
Is causing more pain
The malaise just won’t go away.

... and Keynes' response to critics who said that in the long run his policies would lead to debt and disaster: "In the long run we are all dead."

Keynes has lost his street cred
We no longer heed what he said
In the short run
Fiscal hawks won
In the long run - Keynes is still dead.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It was a long weekend ...

The limericks are backordered today
I threw the last batch away
The quality was poor
I’ve ordered some more
I apologize for any delay.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Some thoughts on words and writing


Be brief, Strunk and White wrote
Eschew prolixity and bloat 
The soul of levity
Is anchored in brevity
Wodehouse is an exception worth note.

Shakespeare did it

It’s verbal reconceptualization
It’s repackage as noun formation
It’s grammar rule breaking
It’s colorful making
Grammarians call it nominalization.

A limerick with literary pretensions

Internal rhymes are a feat
Infernal at times to complete
They’re hard to compose
As any bard knows
But supernal, sublime and so sweet.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thanks to the dedicated employees of the NSA - who may be the only people reading this.

You deleted an e mail in haste?
Did your contact list get erased?
No need for dismay
Just ask NSA
To retrieve your files from their database. 

Wake up! It’s not just NSA
Your data’s online everyday
With Facebook and Amazon
And charge cards we rely on
We’ve googled our privacy away.

NSA tries to keep us secure
Scouring data for networks of terror
I’m afraid all they’ll find
Is the everyday kind,
Those fundraisers who call during dinner.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

In the news this week.


Congress is now back in session.
The budget deal gives the impression
Of a small blip
In bipartisanship
The prospect is very refreshin’.

New Jersey Politics

Kim Jong Un and Governor Christie
Won’t tolerate disloyalty
But Kim’s uncle I’m sure
Would rather endure
A traffic delay in Fort Lee.

It always safe to talk about the weather

The hot news this week is the cold
The Polar Vortex Takes Hold
The source of the breeze
That carries the freeze?
It’s a heat wave near the North Pole!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life without Caller ID

The professional fundraising cabal
Claims it’s a ‘courtesy call’
They try to extort
Financial support,
That is not courteous at all.

When you talk to those fundraising creeps,
Ask what their charity reaps
Maybe ten cents to spend
Of every dollar you send
And the rest the fundraiser keeps.

If when answering the phone I’m aware
Of background noise and dead air
Then someone mangles my name -
I feel no shame
In telling them I am not there.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

In Preparation for the Return of Downton Abbey

The drama continues at Downton
The conflicts and debts keep on mountin’
How will they cope
Does the heir provide hope?
They no longer have Matthew to count on. 

Downton Abbey affords us a view
Into the life of a privileged few
As they struggle with penury
And the twentieth century;
A soap opera for viewers like you.

Lord Grantham had breeding and rank
And a large overdraft at the bank
But for a while
He maintained his lifestyle
With Cora and Matthew to thank.

Lord Grantham’s a likable bloke
But his management skills are a joke
His estate is immense
And he let expense
Exceed income, and nearly went broke.

Lady Mary’s self centered, serene
Disdainful of all that’s plebeian
She survived an affair
Married, bore an heir -
She’s a blue blooded soap opera queen.

When her first love got nervous and fled
Lady Edith tried working instead
To her family’s distress
She’s employed by the press
And her second love’s already wed.

Lady Sybil was pretty and smart
And blessed with a generous heart
Which she gave to a chauffeur
- A liveried gofer -
The connection tore her family apart.

After watching his daughter in bed
Robert ignored what the young doctor said
Because he kept heeding 
The doctor with breeding
Lady Sybil ended up dead.

The Crawleys owe cousin Matthew a lot
He saved Mary when her honor was shot
He fathered an heir
Gave them money to spare
And THEN he was dropped from the plot.

The aristocrats are dropping like flies
Each season brings another demise
The pig headed survive 
The self centered thrive
It’s always the nice one who dies.

When writing a long running show
The scriptwriters really must know
Just who will re-sign
And who will decline
To know who will live or will go.

About this Blog

Oh please! Not another foray
Into “I’ll post [one of these] every day.”
The pressure and deadlining
Is way too confining
I’ll post when I’m ready.  OK?

I’m writing these poems for pleasure
A limerick a day’s too much pressure
I’ll write two or three
When it suits me
I won’t be held to a quotidian measure.

Sometimes I get grouchy.  All Right?
Just remember the name of this site
There’s no reason to worry
It’s all sound and fury
My bark is much worse than my bite.

Why Rubber Teeth ? and the family myth it stems from.

Through his dentures my Grandfather told me
He hoped for some bright repartee
I voiced my belief
That he HAD rubber teeth
Whaddaya expect?   I was just two or three.