Saturday, January 4, 2014

About this Blog

Oh please! Not another foray
Into “I’ll post [one of these] every day.”
The pressure and deadlining
Is way too confining
I’ll post when I’m ready.  OK?

I’m writing these poems for pleasure
A limerick a day’s too much pressure
I’ll write two or three
When it suits me
I won’t be held to a quotidian measure.

Sometimes I get grouchy.  All Right?
Just remember the name of this site
There’s no reason to worry
It’s all sound and fury
My bark is much worse than my bite.

Why Rubber Teeth ? and the family myth it stems from.

Through his dentures my Grandfather told me
He hoped for some bright repartee
I voiced my belief
That he HAD rubber teeth
Whaddaya expect?   I was just two or three.

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