Friday, March 28, 2014

A Corporation is a Person, my Friend.

The Supreme Court has ruled (Citizens United) that a corporation has many of the same rights as a human,  "free speech" being one of them, remember Money = Speech.

Though they’re God fearing women and men 
The supreme court defied logic again
In utter defiance
Of religion and science
They created life with the stroke of a pen.

I would like the court to explain
How a corporation can possibly attain
With no eyes to see
No heart, no lungs and no brain.

All this comes up because the Court is considering a case in which a company claims its "deeply held religious convictions" should allow it to deny its employees health coverage for contraception.

The Supreme Court is reviewing a brief
Of a company seeking relief
It claims a corporation
- An inanimate creation -
Has a deeply held religious belief.

... to be continued.

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