Saturday, May 24, 2014

Buyer Beware

See notes below. 

I’m no lawyer, but I’m going to opine;
In a contract you should read every line
It might be fine at first
But should worse come to worst
The fine print might not be so fine.

If it seems too good to be true ...

I was ripped off, hoodwinked, bamboozled
I didn’t read what I should have perusaled
I still can’t believe
I could be so naive
It was a deal I should have refusaled.

This site is free and comes with a money back guarantee.
Returns not accepted without proof of purchase.
Comments will be published only upon approval of blog host.
No warranty expressed or implied.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Partisan Politics

It was a tragedy, but I don't think it was a scandal.  And the death toll was well below Iraq and Afghanistan.

Benghazi is back in the news
The Republicans know who to accuse
They just need some facts
To back up their attacks
They are desperately searching for clues.

In the long run this is far more important, but science doesn't seem to do well in the polls.

On Climate Change, where there are clues
Republicans steadfastly refuse
To acknowledge any
Though there are many
And they claim the whole concept’s a ruse.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fashion and Hearing

Earrings are a decorative thing
I have no need of such bling
I have my tinnitus
Which is ubiquitous
So I am never without my ears' ring.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Town of Greece vs Galloway

The Supreme Court decided 5 to 4 that the Town of Greece, NY could start it's municipal meetings with a Christian prayer, as long as there remains a possibility that another religion might be represented some time.  And it shouldn't bother any non Christians present.

The Constitution mandates a division
Between government and any religion
The Supreme Court didn't care
And now sponsored prayer
Is approved, per their recent decision.

I tried to give the Court the benefit of the doubt because my hearing isn't very good and sometimes I think I hear something very different from what the speaker thinks he or she has said.

When I mis hear something, I invent
What I think the speaker might have meant.
The Constitution is in print
So mishearing din't
Explain their distorting it's intent.

But maybe there is another explanation.

Six of the nine judges are men
Five of them voted to loosen
Restrictions on prayer.
Will they stop there?
Or can the women introduce reason again?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Now That I know it is National Limerick Day

The excuse behind National Limerick Day:

He was a 19th century pioneer
So, on May 12th of the year
National Limerick Day
Is our way to say
Happy Birthday to poet Edward Lear.

Many disdain limericks for the scatalogical content of a few popular ones:

Limericks have an unwholesome reputation
For a bald and naked fixation
Will it offend so
If I use innuendo
For disguised, restrained titillation?

Happy International Limerick Day

On May 11, 2014, at 9:56 PM (PDT), Henry Doerr wrote from New Zealand:
Limericker, McMillan, Doug
So successful, he's too smug
Forgetting that today
Is International Limerick Day
He now must hide in a rug.

Giving me, the smug one, time to wish Edward Lear (1812 - 1888) happy birthday and to wish all of you a Happy Limerick Day.

On this side of the dateline I'm OK
Because today is still Mother's Day
But thanks for the warning
Because in the morning
I'll need something limerickal to say.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

And What Did You Do Yesterday That Was Different or Exciting?

I jogged up Market and then Sacramento
Down Channing and onto San Pablo
I tried hard to dent
The sidewalk cement,
The damage to the concrete doesn't show.

It was bloody embarrassing.

I didn't see where the pavement rose
But I found the bump with my toes
I didn't just land
On my outstretched hand
But on knees and forehead and nose.

Monday, May 5, 2014

It Was a Very Long Day

No, this is not a paid endorsement.

After 5 hours with the Concord Bus crew
We stayed in Boston an hour or two
To meet with TSA
Then 6 hours on our way
To San Francisco with a team from Jet Blue.

Despite the fact that the bus and plane seats had more room than many I have experienced (repeat above note) I was stiff and sore by the end of the day.

Sardined in a tube in the air
Cramped and wondering where
I could stretch out my feet
While strapped to a seat -
A torture rack in need of repair.