Thursday, May 15, 2014

Town of Greece vs Galloway

The Supreme Court decided 5 to 4 that the Town of Greece, NY could start it's municipal meetings with a Christian prayer, as long as there remains a possibility that another religion might be represented some time.  And it shouldn't bother any non Christians present.

The Constitution mandates a division
Between government and any religion
The Supreme Court didn't care
And now sponsored prayer
Is approved, per their recent decision.

I tried to give the Court the benefit of the doubt because my hearing isn't very good and sometimes I think I hear something very different from what the speaker thinks he or she has said.

When I mis hear something, I invent
What I think the speaker might have meant.
The Constitution is in print
So mishearing din't
Explain their distorting it's intent.

But maybe there is another explanation.

Six of the nine judges are men
Five of them voted to loosen
Restrictions on prayer.
Will they stop there?
Or can the women introduce reason again?

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