Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Think You’re So Smart Don’tcha?

I grew up with a bad attitude
My view of the world was skewed
I was raised to assume
I was the smartest in the room
Making friends forced reality to intrude.

Well, maybe I gotta a few things to learn.

It doesn’t matter a whole helluva lot
Whether you’re the smartest or not
If you’re bright enough to discern
The brain grows as you learn
You can increase the brain power you got.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

 Ice Age Litter

The glaciers scoured all the loose rocks from Canada and dragged them to the Coast of Maine.

The glaciers came to Maine for vacation
Leaving litter when they were done
Between the frost and the plow
It’s still surfacing now
And we harvest the rocks by the ton.

The buried rocks are forced to the surface when the ground freezes and thaws, especially if the soil has been loosened by a plow.  A reliable crop, they can be harvested every year.

Farming in Maine is hard toil
The glaciers took all of our top soil
But rocks grow easily
They are calorie free
Drought tolerant, frost proof, and don’t spoil.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

Malcolm Gladwell claimed that a person can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice.

Ten thousand hours to complete mastery?
Practice is not alchemy
Although the fact is
I get better with practice
It won’t make a Shakespeare of me. 

Other studies conclude that talent makes a big difference.

Some say practice is eighty per cent
Others say it is talent
When they are combined
With passion, you’ll find
Then the results are transcendent.

Practice and talent have their part
Just practicing won’t make you Mozart
He probably practiced all day
Considered it play
And had an awesome talent to start.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Exercise and the Brain

I've read so many articles about the benefits of exercise, but I still find it hard to make the time for it.  OK, I find other things to do and I tell myself they are important.

Why is it I don't realize
I feel better when I get exercise?
Brain and body resist
Screaming 'cease and desist!'
My excuse lobe has tripled in size.

It was a beautiful morning and I did get out for a run, excuse me, jog.

I go for a run, not a dash
The real runners go by in a flash
While I gasp and wheeze
They pass by in a breeze
If I watched them I'd probably get whiplash.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Sarah Palin, calling for the impeachment of the president, said the influx of young illegal immigrants over the southern border “is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.’ ”  

From “Rules to Run By” - Gail Collins - New York times July 12, 2014

She preaching impeachment in public
With her singular syntax and logic
She's rantin' 'n railin'
Former Governor Palin -
The pit bull who applies her own lipstick.

She, and others, are screaming for impeachment because, what? They don’t like him?  That didn’t work so well with Bill Clinton.

There are scores of witnesses to be heard
Evidence to be weighed and considered
And facts, not just drama
To prove how Obama
Has high crimed and misdemeanored.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Politics - Two Years before the Next Presidential Election

News reports said that Texas Governor Rick Perry would not meet President Obama at the airport to shake hands, but he did.

Rick Perry was going to be rude
To display some raw Texas crude
The airport handshake
Did a little to break
The ice, but the mood was subdued.

The Republicans are talking law suits and impeachment, but they are not talking to Democrats, or about issues.

They call him an arrogant S.O.B.
The ‘worst president in history’
Their dislike’s unbounded
And I think it’s founded
In Obama’s Black ancestry.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Six Months of Blogging

Warning this message contains self promotional material, viewer discretion advised.

I’ve been posting some limericks I write
I disclaim any world altering insight
But I will claim
It helps me to reframe
My thoughts in a humorous light.

But I do have an ulterior motive.

I’m promoting this collection of mine
A book of limericks available on line
Borrow it free for a time 
With Amazon Prime

Or just buy it for two ninety nine.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Did Facebook Give You Positive News or Negative?

And how did you respond to their research?

Facebook manipulated the news
To see how it changed people’s views
A harmless experiment
With no evil intent
But the Guinea Pigs couldn’t refuse.

Big deal.  The results will help them serve you better.

So Facebook controls what you read
And alters the tone of your news feed.
Your reaction will show
What they want to know
To tailor their ads to your need.