Thursday, May 28, 2015

 Summer is Icumen In

July 4th we have guests arriving and the last ones leave in the middle of August. We can’t persuade anyone to come visit during the rest of the year.  Summertime, and the livin' is busy.

Maine is quiet nine months of the year
Then the bugs and tourists appear
With the first sign of frost
Their interest is lost
And quickly they’re all out of here.

I have a lot of painting and trim work to do to get the house ready.

It’s still May, it’s not even June
There’s so much that I should be doin’
To prepare for the day
When the guests come to stay
I ought to start panicking soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another Candidate from Hope

What is it about Hope, Arkansas?

And next we have Governor Huckabee
A second time GOP wannabe
After six years on air
Is he balanced and fair
Or maybe a little bit huckstery?

He’s articulate, affable and has an interesting resume.

He’s a governor, he followed Bill,
A diabetes bogus cure shill
An evangelical pastor
A Fox News broadcaster
Who writes books when he’s got time to kill.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Socialist? Independent? Democrat?

Bernie Sanders seems to be the real thing, but that’s not politically popular these days.  His chances are slim, but he may still have an impact.

Bernie Sanders, a liberal Democrat
(A label with a dire caveat)
Knows that Liberal is out
As the pundits all shout,
They don’t see much future in that.

Will Bernie and Hillary fight?
His supporters hope that he might
At a minimum be able 
To get his views on the table
And slow down her drift to the right.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

More GOP Candidates

It’s hard to keep up with the ever expanding “deep bench” of Republican hopefuls.  First Dr. Carson, by all accounts a brilliant neurosurgeon.  I hope he has more control over his scalpel than his tongue.

Doctor Carson, now just who is he?
A potential GOP nominee?
With Obama there
He described Obamacare
The worst idea since slavery.

Next, Carly Fiorina, who lead Hewlett Packard through massive layoffs and a 50% decline in stock value.  A grateful Board fired her and gave her a multi-million dollar going away present.

She gave thousands of workers the sack
But she claims the management knack
HP’s value declined
So she’s starting behind
At least thirty thousand votes back.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Congress and Science

The U.S. House  of Representatives voted to prohibit scientists from testifying on the content of articles they had published, because to do so would be a conflict of interest; they might try to promote their own reputation.  On the other hand, corporate executives would be able to testify on matters which might affect their industry, their profits , their livelihood and their wealth.

They maintain it's a conflict of interest
For scientists, who know science best
To come testify.
Is this Congress's try
For Home Videos, America's Funniest?

Their integrity used to be hailed
Their objectivity is now being assailed
"If we let them testify,
For their agenda, they'll lie"
So their rights to free speech are curtailed!

Meanwhile the Senate voted 50 to 49 that climate change is not caused by human activity.  Just imagine how science will change if Congress thinks that it can legislate science.

Science was once based on fact
But Congress wants in on the act
New laws can be drafted
And established ones crafted
To suit people by whom they are backed.