Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Congress and Science

The U.S. House  of Representatives voted to prohibit scientists from testifying on the content of articles they had published, because to do so would be a conflict of interest; they might try to promote their own reputation.  On the other hand, corporate executives would be able to testify on matters which might affect their industry, their profits , their livelihood and their wealth.

They maintain it's a conflict of interest
For scientists, who know science best
To come testify.
Is this Congress's try
For Home Videos, America's Funniest?

Their integrity used to be hailed
Their objectivity is now being assailed
"If we let them testify,
For their agenda, they'll lie"
So their rights to free speech are curtailed!

Meanwhile the Senate voted 50 to 49 that climate change is not caused by human activity.  Just imagine how science will change if Congress thinks that it can legislate science.

Science was once based on fact
But Congress wants in on the act
New laws can be drafted
And established ones crafted
To suit people by whom they are backed.

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