Sunday, June 28, 2015

Supreme Surprise

This week the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is a right available to all people, and decided not to derail ObamaCare because of one poorly proofread sentence.  The vote was 6-3 and in his opinion Justice Roberts used an argument that Justice Scalia had used against the law in their previous opinion. 

The Court gave the law it’s assent
Scalia, of course, had to vent
It was a brilliant idea 
To use the words of Scalia
In the opinion o’erriding his dissent.

So has this become a liberal court?  Remember Citizens United, the Voting Rights Law,  the Ledbetter Case, and

This still doesn’t even the score
The Judges will have to do more
If they expect
To regain the respect
They lost in Bush vs. Gore.

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