Saturday, August 8, 2015

Only Five Months ‘til the NH Primary

If Fox News is unavailable in your broadcast area and you don’t have cable was there a debate?  All I heard was that Trump talked more than anyone else.  That’s news?

He’s an acid tongued disgruntled grump
Spewing a stream of consciousness dump
As a multi-billionaire
Why would he care
To change a system that’s been good to *!! TRUMP !!*

Remember back in 2000 when the Supreme Court elected a dumbed down, from the hip shooting, plain talking, misspeaking, folksy, Ivy League educated, logic defying, intelligence denying ‘decider’?

Is his lead in the polls a bubble, a
Blip, is it something to trouble ya?
Is he destined to fall?
If you recall
We misunderestimated Dubbya.

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