Saturday, October 31, 2015

All Thatand an Extra Hour Tonight

Halloween, or All Hallows Eve
When fertile imaginations believe
That the division’s elastic
‘Twixt real and fantastic
And who knows what else they conceive?

I hope you enjoy Halloween
When covens of witches convene
A night when I hear it’s
Likely that spirits
And Ghoulies and Ghosties are seen.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Compare and Contrast

I was thinking about those high school reunions again and how much or little some people had changed.

I was so young way back when
Did it show that I’ve grown up since then?
Did I seem mature
Or just insecure
Awkward and shy once again?

A classmate once told me that you could always tell when I was being nasty, because I had a big smile on my face.  Another classmate said I had the best smile in the 9th grade.

I was quiet and often tongue tied
With insecurities I struggled to hide
I had very thin skin
And lashed out with a grin
And my critical sarcastic side.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Speaker of the House

Due to criticism from the far right wing of his party, Speaker Boehner felt he couldn’t get anything done, so he quit.  I never thought that I would regret his resignation, but I may find his replacement even worse.

His position got weaker and weaker
So he gave up his position as Speaker
He got a budget bill passed
Which may be the last
The prospect without him seems bleaker.

As an intellectual leader of the Party of No, at first Paul Ryan said no, no and no.  Now he is saying maybe.

The futility made Boehner resign
Some mystery made McCarthy decline
The Tea Party’s tryin’
To pressure Paul Ryan
To step up to, AND toe the line.

Whoever takes the job is going to have to deal with the ‘we were elected to do nothing except expand defense and our perks, and to starve the rest of the evil government.’ crowd.  

The infighting gave John Boehner scabs
His hot seat is now up for grabs
What he’s leaving behind
His successor will find
Is  - the Tea Party’s a pain in the abs.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Elephant in the Room

I’ve been ignoring him.  Yes, that one with the 6 or 7 assorted handguns and assault rifles (he left his others at home) and the extra ammo, and the memory of slights and insults.  He fades into the background for a couple of months at a time.  Yeah, that one.

The Gun Lobby and Logic are estranged
Nothing’s new, Nothing’s done, Nothing’s changed
He fires round after round
Leaving dead on the ground
‘It’s not the Gun, It’s the Man, he’s deranged.’

The second amendment has only recently come to mean almost any weapon, almost anywhere carried by almost anybody.  You need a hunting license to hunt game, and that’s a short season, but you can walk into a crowded building any time and people stay ‘stuff happens’ and more restrictions aren’t the solution.  

The Second Amendment’s a mess
Its repeal is probably useless
Gun lovers will cite
A ‘Constitutional Right’ -
They ‘need’ guns to pursue happiness.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Red Ink to Red Votes

In Alabama you need a picture ID to vote, and most people use a driver's license.  To save money Alabama closed a number of DMV offices.  Guess where?

The counties where DMVs were shut
Are mostly African-American, but
Alabama will say
It was the best way
To deal with a steep budget cut. 

I think more people buy guns illegally than vote illegally.  Both gun ownership and voting are constitutionally protected, and yet...

Was it politically and racially motivated?
The counties are minority populated
The Supreme Court has said
Discrimination is dead
So the voting rights act is emasculated.