Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Elephant in the Room

I’ve been ignoring him.  Yes, that one with the 6 or 7 assorted handguns and assault rifles (he left his others at home) and the extra ammo, and the memory of slights and insults.  He fades into the background for a couple of months at a time.  Yeah, that one.

The Gun Lobby and Logic are estranged
Nothing’s new, Nothing’s done, Nothing’s changed
He fires round after round
Leaving dead on the ground
‘It’s not the Gun, It’s the Man, he’s deranged.’

The second amendment has only recently come to mean almost any weapon, almost anywhere carried by almost anybody.  You need a hunting license to hunt game, and that’s a short season, but you can walk into a crowded building any time and people stay ‘stuff happens’ and more restrictions aren’t the solution.  

The Second Amendment’s a mess
Its repeal is probably useless
Gun lovers will cite
A ‘Constitutional Right’ -
They ‘need’ guns to pursue happiness.

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