Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year

In my experience New Year's resolutions are worth about as much as the paper they were printed on, and considerably less than the champagne they were based on.  Maybe you are different.

This week you're all resolute
On the changes that you'll execute
A month will go by
And you won't even try
Two months and you won't give a hoot.

Failing to keep a minor resolution might make you feel bad, but if it's a real stretch, you knew it was too much.

Keeping resolutions is tough
Good intentions alone aren't enough
If you're gonna break
The resolutions you make 
Resolve some really big stuff.

A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to All.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Secret Side of Santa

Last year I marveled at Santa's ability to stay off the radar and deliver all those presents.  This year after listening to Republican candidates talk about security, I started to worry.

There’s a security risk we've neglected
Santa enters our land undetected
Then freely roams
Through thousands of homes
With boxes that are left uninspected.

He crosses borders without documents
He’s in malls and at major events
He’s disguised with a beard
His clothing is weird
Unseen by Central Intelligence

 And  the business savvy realize Santa's business could be better.

Santa could build on his brand
For his skills there is pent up demand
In spring, summer, fall
But he's 'Christmas, that's all'
Tax breaks could help him expand

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Politics and Christmas

During the campaign season politicians are more generous than Santa, despite their bombast, vitriol and intolerance.

They make promises they can never fulfill
They know a way, they have the will
To do miraculous deeds
And meet all you needs
And never increase your tax bill.

But one, Donald Trump, has promised that everyone should celebrate Christmas, no matter what their religion, except Muslims of course, and Mexicans, and Losers.

This season many kids start to fear
That Santa Claus may never appear
They like Trump because he
Says he can guarantee
That Santa will show up each year.

Peace and goodwill to everyone.  For me the Solstice is the most significant event, in just a couple more days the days will be getting longer.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Excuse? or Lifestyle Choice

Why do I put off things I think I want to do?

In theory the idea sounds great
In reality problems accumulate
When things become real
They are less than ideal
To preserve perfection, Procrastinate!

I wanted to get this done a couple of months ago, and couple of others to go along with it, but …

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


For members of my High School class an insurance ad featuring Peter Pan prompted some comments from the women about cute, but ultimately undesirable, Peter Pan types.

He was always a boy, Peter Pan
Women hoped he would grow to a man
He seemed cute to them, first
But their opinion reversed
When he refused to mature per their plan.

A subsequent discussion somehow morphed into a story (carried on by the men) of how jealousy over a beautiful woman was the cause of many of society’s problems.

And then there was Helen of Troy
For her love men set out to destroy.
Did all that emotion
The love and devotion
Bring the beautiful Helen any joy?

Are these people anyone we know?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How? Why? and What are His Supporters Thinking?

Donald Trump says how great he will make this country, but doesn’t explain how.

When asked, the Donald dismisses
Details of his grandiose promises
The detail he’ll state
Is that Donald is great,
Sounds a bit to me like Narcissus.

So, why is he running?  It’s all about proving he’s the ultimate Winner.  Forget the Losers.

He’s a bully who belittles and taunts
With a bigoted view that he flaunts
By broadcasting his rants
The media grants
Donald Trump the publicity he wants.