Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Geography and Pronunciation 101

Welcome to Maine.  I just picked the easy ones.  I mean Eggemoggin is pronounced just the way it’s spelled, but I’ve never actually heard anyone say Passagassawaukeag.

If you rhymed the spelling with palace
A Frenchman might accuse you of malice
If you’re from away
You would call it Calais
But Downeast they call it Calais.

It hurts my ears when people mangle this one.

The name’s pronounced almost like bancorp
It’s an irony no one could plan for
It’s not hanger or banger
Or rancor or anger
Stephen King’s hometown is Ban Gore.

Friday, April 22, 2016

May They Rot in Peace

Our compost pile is a meeting place for vegetable matter from all over the world.  Where else would a pineapple from Hawaii meet a tomato from Mexico, an apple from New Zealand, a weed from Sedgwick, Maine, a cucumber from Chile and a peach from Georgia?  And they all get along.

My compost has an international flair,
Mexican and Chilean produce are there
With tropical fruit
Rotting right next to it
And the local ingredients don’t care.

Much to our own irritation, sometimes we give the process a head start.

We keep produce in the refrigerator
Because that’s what an icebox is for
So I was surprised
The day I realized
That ours has a composting drawer.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


I hope that doesn’t refer to the lines below.  

OK so I finished and filed my taxes on time.  That’s a deadline with some real meaning, because even to file an extension you have to get most of the work done.

With serious consequences in place
There’s pressure to keep up your pace
It’s a delicate art
To know when to start
So it’s pressure, but not panic you face.

But I haven’t prepared the vegetable garden for spring planting, I haven’t picked up the yard debris, I haven’t posted a limerick in over a week, and if I listed all the other evidence of failing to meet self imposed deadlines I’d never ………..

I hate the self imposed deadline
With no penalty, no sanction or fine
Just self induced stress
And the stream of consciousness
Gets dammed up somewhere deep in my mind.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Primary Challenge and Response

Made for TV political theater.

In politics tempers get short
Criticism provokes a retort 
The insults start small
But it’s winner-take-all
Bloodletting full contact sport.

So far much of the blood-letting has been on the Republican side, but with the New York primary coming up, where each claims a home state advantage, Bernie and Hillary are demanding equal time.

Bernie says she’s unqualified
Hillary says Bernie’s tongue-tied
Because he may shirk
Doing his homework.
That’s what happens when egos collide.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Welcome Spring

Whaddya mean, ‘It’s backordered’ ? 

It’s sunny and there’s a light breeze
But no leaves are out on the trees
See, here’s the thing
Although it is Spring
(April 5th) it’s just twenty degrees!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tax Time

It’s April and our minds turn to what accountants have been thinking about all winter.

It’s April and time to assess
How much money we owe IRS
This pain of the irs
Is made even worse
Since it pays the salaries of Congress.

I do believe in paying my taxes, but it would be nice to get a functional government for my money.  Though my contribution wouldn’t buy much of these guys ‘valuable’ time.

I don’t mind paying my dues
I’d feel better though if I could choose
Where MY money went
It hurts that some’s spent
Paying Issa, McConnell and Cruz.