Friday, July 8, 2016

#Bad Move

ServerGate - another Clinton Scandal!

Hilary Clinton, you fool
It’s too bad that you broke the rule,
The FBI branded
You careless and handed
Reckless Donald a campaigning tool.

It proves she’s crooked!  - Even though:

Colin Powell used a private e-mail server when he was Secretary of State.
The White House Staff sent official government e mails on a private server when George W. Bush was President.
Karl Rove ’s office deleted 22 Million e mails that were required by law to be preserved for the Presidential Archives.
Dick Cheney’s office revealed the identity of a covert CIA agent for political purposes.

That was all very different and can’t be compared to Hillary’s heinous crimes, which apparently were careless, but not against the law.

The Republicans will use it to hit her
But in her defense, please consider
Should their candidate win
The White House will begin
To communicate only on Twitter.

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