Sunday, May 7, 2017

 Who Knew It Could Be So Complicated?

It’s not climate science.  It’s pretty simple.

To me maternity care is an essential service. But I guess to our elected representatives it’ s not because it only applies to 50% of the population in a limited age range.  

The only way to keep premiums down and to cover preexisting conditions is to mandate universal coverage.

If we want to keep the insurance companies in business, the wealthy have to contribute.

The deal was conceived with great stealth
And fosters a transfer of wealth
The waivers in there
Obviate essential care
And do nothing to promote better health.

Trump, his cronies and House Republicans aren’t the only ones celebrating.  Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, and others are enjoying their new power. 

Diseases all celebrate the day
The House passed the AHCA
Because under this bill
They wreak havoc at will
And insurance won’t stand in their way.

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