Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Marketing and Self-promotion

My book sales were less than fantastic
So I cut the price something drastic
But sales didn’t rise
I can only surmise
That demand is price inelastic.

Marketing is not my strong suit,
To sell books you just gotta do it.
I will if I must
I hope can just
Inject some humor into it.

Self promotion has little appeal
It has a cloying unsavory feel
It’s in the same class
As the remains of the grass
Once the bull has digested his meal.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


In reference to an article which predicted that Congress might have passed its last significant legislation until after the primaries and the November elections:

Is Congress really done for the year?
Do Congressmen live in such fear
That unpopular stances
Will increase the chances
That an election will end their career?

After reading Charles Blow's 2/22/14 column "Accommodating Divisiveness" in the NY Times:

“You’ve never heard me say such a thing.
Nor would I.”  Ted Cruz is saying,
About a racist tirade
That Ted Nugent made.
As repudiation it seems sorely lacking.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What's That You Said or That Fax You Sent?

My right ear went deaf suddenly
It’s frustrating, but it did set me free
To interpret my way
What people say;
To listen more creatively.

My hearing is really a mess
When I don’t hear I just take a guess
Is it more interesting
Than the real thing?
Maybe, but probably much less.

Without the use of one ear
I make up the things I don’t hear
I have a new hearing aid,
What a difference it made.
Will “creative listening” disappear?

Just a personal note here.  

Last spring I lost most of the hearing in my right ear, overnight.  I went to the doctor who ruled out an infection, but told me to take sudafed for two weeks.  No improvement.  I went back about a month later and the doctor suggested Claritan and gargling.  Again no improvement.  It took a couple of more months to get in to see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist.  No infection, no fluid in the ears, try an MRI.  A month later the MRI showed no physical blockage or other problems.  Come back in 6 months.  Meanwhile, I made an appointment with an audiologist, who told me that this sudden hearing loss happens, and if treated within 60 days with steroids the hearing will return about 50% of the time.  Great!  Maybe I didn't hear that when the other doctors told me.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Is It Safe for a Yankee to Talk to Y'all About the Weather Yet?

Snow birds flee the North for a reason
It’s the snow, the ice and the freezin’
Is it so strange
That this year for a change
The blizzards went South for the season?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where in the Net am I?

I googled my own name to see
Where there is a reference to me
Other men with my name
Have earned real fame
And I have learned - humility.

Is self googling considered a sin?
It’s a sink hole I sometimes fall in
I could go blind
Trying to find
A site where I get any mention.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The debt ceiling - Congress is about to hit it again

On the debt limit the Tea Party’s intractable
My solution is simple and practical
If they stick to their guns
Then THEY are the ones
Who ought to pay interest and capital.

Remember last October when they made their stand?

The rhetoric in Congress may thicken
The government shutdown may kick in
Compromise on the Budget?
The Tea Party won’t touch it!
They’ve decided they’re gonna play chicken! 

After months of refusal and balk
The Tea Party now wants to talk
They get paid still
Because they’re “essential”
But federal workers must walk.

They want to believe they have scored
And “put some points on the board”
So they rant and they rave
They have Face to save

While the rest of the country gets gored.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Super Bowl

Testosterone fueled helmet rattling
Narrated by sportscaster prattling
It’s mountain high glow
Against Seattle mellow - 
The pot legal states will be battling.

... and who would have thought that Masterpiece Theater would ever try to compete with the Super Bowl

It’s Fox sports against PBS 
Soiled uniforms against fancy dress
An opera star Anthem
vs. Lord Grantham
Aggression - displayed or repressed.