Sunday, February 16, 2014

What's That You Said or That Fax You Sent?

My right ear went deaf suddenly
It’s frustrating, but it did set me free
To interpret my way
What people say;
To listen more creatively.

My hearing is really a mess
When I don’t hear I just take a guess
Is it more interesting
Than the real thing?
Maybe, but probably much less.

Without the use of one ear
I make up the things I don’t hear
I have a new hearing aid,
What a difference it made.
Will “creative listening” disappear?

Just a personal note here.  

Last spring I lost most of the hearing in my right ear, overnight.  I went to the doctor who ruled out an infection, but told me to take sudafed for two weeks.  No improvement.  I went back about a month later and the doctor suggested Claritan and gargling.  Again no improvement.  It took a couple of more months to get in to see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist.  No infection, no fluid in the ears, try an MRI.  A month later the MRI showed no physical blockage or other problems.  Come back in 6 months.  Meanwhile, I made an appointment with an audiologist, who told me that this sudden hearing loss happens, and if treated within 60 days with steroids the hearing will return about 50% of the time.  Great!  Maybe I didn't hear that when the other doctors told me.

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