Saturday, June 28, 2014

He’s Thinking Outside the Box

That's why he's a leader.

John Boehner is going to get rough
Suing Obama for trying to do stuff
Boehner wants no disruption
Of total obstruction,
Killing bills just isn’t enough.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer,  and Welcome to Maine

One small group of local residents eagerly awaits the influx of summer folk - a.k.a. fresh blood.

As summer comes to Downeast
Most of the locals are pleased
When the tourists arrive
Their business will thrive - 
The mosquitoes prepare for their feast.

Why do people often say "got him" when they slap a mosquito?

It’s a well know biological fact
When a mosquito lands and gets whacked
If you got bit
It’s not him or it
It’s the female that always gets smacked.

Male mosquitoes are only good for one thing, and most of us would be happy if they failed at that.

There are many examples that show
The ineffectiveness of males, I know,
I understand, I sympathize
Why feminists don’t emphasize
The role of the female mosquito.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

More on Weeds

By the side of the road I can see
Pretty leaves stretching out to caress me
It doesn’t take much
Just a very light touch
To feel how much Poison Ivy loves me.

Speaking of Poison Ivy

Dick Cheney has plenty of nerve
In the 60’s he was too busy to serve.
Despite the Iraqi blood fest 
And a new heart in his chest
He’s maintained his warmongering verve.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Operation Iraqi Freedom - after Eleven Years

Remember the rosy predictions?

Under the Awe and the Shock
Stuck between Hard Place and Rock
In a sectarian fight
Between Sunni and Shi’ite
Is a Crisis known as Iraq.

In Iraq we imposed ‘democracy’
It's rife with corruption and anarchy
How do we address
This violent mess?
With more troops and more weaponry?

Sunday, June 15, 2014


These two started out as an essay that I still haven’t finished, so you will miss the logic that produced these observations, and the conclusion.  I haven’t settled on the conclusion.

I wondered as I was pulling up weeds
What are their hopes. dreams and needs?
A nice neighborhood
Where conditions are good
Where they can flower and bring up their seeds.

I realized early yesterday
If they establish strong roots they will stay.
You must get rid of the roots
Not just the shoots,
Some think we should treat immigrants that way.

A friend said I should let people comment on the blogs.   Well, it’s possible.  All you have to do is overcome the assumption that ‘no comments’ is just a statement of fact.  

I just thought my readers should know
Space to enter comments will show
(Which you can submit
And I get to edit)
If you click on ‘no comments’ below.

Comment from Anonymous:   I hope I get your logic. Loved the limerick anyway and it made perfect sense on many levels ... 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Primary Season - and the Livin' is Sleazy

Some of us think that Eric Cantor is pretty conservative, but we've just been told we are wrong. 

Eric Cantor did not expect that
He would fall in primary combat;
The majority leader
Became election conceder
Brought down by a little known Brat.

His district is "safe" so no one needed to move toward the center.

The district has been gerrymandered
And the Tea Party candidate pandered
Appealed to a fringe
And moderates cringe
As Virginia has now been deCantored.

So how did an unknown with very little money manage to beat a powerful incumbent with plenty of cash to spend on his campaign?

Brat thanked  Ingraham for the support that she
Gave him in his stunning victory
But turnout was light
In reality he might
Also credit voter apathy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is Smut in the DNA of  all Limericks ?

There was a young [person] from [somewhere]
The hackneyed limerick starts there
And goes on to regale
In explicit detail
More information than most folks would share.

For example, there’s a man from Nantucket
Big boned, broad shouldered and rugged
Self absorbed, self satisfied,
His story’s glorified
In a limerick which may leave you disgusted.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

One of Those Weeks When You Can't Even Find an Excuse

I’ve been a negligent host
It’s been a week or so since my last post 
I’ve skipped days before
But this week I missed more
In five months this week is the slow’st.

I apologize for my lack of profuseness
Analysis and explanation are useless
There’s no rhyme or reason
My attempts were unpleasin’
The gap, I’m afraid, is excuseless.