Sunday, June 15, 2014


These two started out as an essay that I still haven’t finished, so you will miss the logic that produced these observations, and the conclusion.  I haven’t settled on the conclusion.

I wondered as I was pulling up weeds
What are their hopes. dreams and needs?
A nice neighborhood
Where conditions are good
Where they can flower and bring up their seeds.

I realized early yesterday
If they establish strong roots they will stay.
You must get rid of the roots
Not just the shoots,
Some think we should treat immigrants that way.

A friend said I should let people comment on the blogs.   Well, it’s possible.  All you have to do is overcome the assumption that ‘no comments’ is just a statement of fact.  

I just thought my readers should know
Space to enter comments will show
(Which you can submit
And I get to edit)
If you click on ‘no comments’ below.

Comment from Anonymous:   I hope I get your logic. Loved the limerick anyway and it made perfect sense on many levels ... 

1 comment:

  1. I hope I get your logic. Loved the limerick anyway and it made perfect sense on many levels ...
