Saturday, August 30, 2014

Is Leaning Back in the Seat in Front of ME Really More Comfortable?

Believe it or not this was in the NY Times this week.  Joseph Barro wants you to pay him to keep his seat upright.

Should the knee defender be banned?
A dispute got way out of hand
A passenger groused
And then he got doused
They cut short the flight to land.

The New York Times is opining
On the etiquette of seat back reclining.
Who owns the air rights
To their seat on plane flights?
It seems these rules need defining.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Second Amendment Was Written When You Had to Stop to Reload

Six bullets to stop an unarmed man.

"Guns don't kill, people do."
In Ferguson this may be true
But an Uzi went wild
In the hands of a child
Shooting her instructor before he ever knew.

Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right.

The magazine had lots of rounds in it
The gun can fire 600 a minute
As amusement it's fine
For a young child of nine
And Arizona law does permit it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Do Any of You Know How to Do This?

There is expertise that my skill set lacks
When I sit down my superego reacts
I'm able to do nothing
But it just keeps on fussing -
And I really find it hard to relax.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Grammar Rules

Three views of grammar.

Grammar rules are like, last century
We ditch it, if its up to me
They’re a pain in the butt
Me and my friends are So What?
We could care less, literally.

Ain’t got no use for no grammar rules
They tried to frickin’ learn me in schools
‘Course I goan diss ‘em
Ain’t nobody goan miss ‘em
No good to nobody but fools.

Grammar is evolving today
I doubt the subjunctive will stay
Many mangle the possessive
Ignore the objective
And even the past tense is passé.

Ms. Doty (7th grade English teacher) should be smiling in her grave because the first two were very hard for me to write.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


If someone posts smut on the internet and no one understands it, is it still obscene?  You may have to consult this website in order to understand the following.  

Remember Mark Sanford who said he’d been hiking on the Appalachian trail?

He hiked on the Appalachian trail 
Chasing Argentinian tail 
By boarding land carracks 
Forming a beast with two backs, 
The soul mates played at couch quail. 

Is your hormone level too high? 
There’s culbatizing exercise you can try, 
Play hey gammer cook 
Or lerricompoop,
In Eros’ embrace you may die. 

Play the pyrdewy, don't wait 
Dance the Paphian jig until late 
Fadoodle and hug 
Play nug-a-nug 
And give a green gown to your mate. 

My thanks to poet and friend Peter H Desmond for giving me the link to mental floss.  You can read some of Peter’s poems on:

Monday, August 4, 2014


A minor milestone.

Seven months of blogging today
Seven months of ego display
I don’t know why
I’m basically shy
And some days have nothing to say.

Isn't taking all of August off kind of a French thing?

Congress went home for recess
But now their work starts in earnest
They fundraise and schmooze
Learn their big donors’ views
And return in September to rest.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not PC

I’ve been using Macs for about 30 years, and PCs for 10 or so.  I have one program which only runs on Windows.  That program is fine, but the Windows part ....

The irritation is difficult to bear
And my Doctors don’t seem to care
They express disbelief
And offer no relief
For my allergy to Microsoft software.