Thursday, November 13, 2014

 Real Politics, Unreal Politicians

The last generation of Conservatives would now seem liberal.

My reaction to the elections this Fall
Is fear, disgust and appall
Reagan seems saner
When compared to John Boehner
And McConnell makes Nixon look liberal.

And those are the moderates.

Then there are Inhofe and Cruz
Who claim Climate Change is a ruse
Their logic's unreliable
They may not be certifiable
But they don’t have many screws left to lose.

Roughly 37% of all eligible voters voted.  If even 60% of them voted Republican (I checked the Senate races and the votes were 51% R, 46% D and 3% Other) then only 22% of eligible voters voted for the people who control the Senate (53% of the Senate) and the House (57% of the House).

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