Sunday, November 2, 2014

Which is Scarier?

Have you ever thought about the similarities between Halloween and Election Day?  

On Halloween kids disguise themselves in order to get treats, and if you can’t see through their disguise - they win.

For Election Day politicians disguise their threats and promise treats, and if you can’t see through their disguise - they win.

Costumed children are out on the streets
Threatening tricks but hoping for sweets
Do people recognize
The politicians in disguise
Glibly promising everyone treats?

At Halloween children are wary
Of goblins and a ghoulish menagerie
But for adults
The election results
Could be even more scary.

I seem to write about politics frequently, despite the advice to write about what you know.

For almost 10 months I’ve been host
Writing new limericks to post
Although I try
Some ideas won’t die
And resurface like a Halloween ghost.

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