Monday, January 26, 2015

 Yogi Berra is the Only Philosopher I Understand 

Philosophe -pronounced FEE low soff - french for philosopher.  Educated people used to put the crude words in Latin.

Philosophy impresses most people
But my interest in it is feeble
It’s deep sounding stuff
And some’s bad enough
That I’d call it philosophe fecal.

Perhaps the reason I canned
And dismissed with a wave of my hand -
Is it makes me feel smart
To tear philosophy apart
And to mock what I don’t understand.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John Boehner Walks into a Bar

The bartender at his Country Club in Ohio got fired and blames the House Speaker.  Michael Hoyt has since been indicted for plotting to murder Boehner by poisoning his drink.

Michael Hoyt, the club barkeep got canned, 
He served Boehner his wine on demand
Then the car radio
Let Michael know
That Boehner should die by his hand.

Will you have your usual or something else, Sir?

John Boehner is scared, you can tell,
His worry is hard to dispel,
The threat is widespread
Because as he said
Obama has poisoned the well.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Doggie Bags Ain’t What They Used to Be

We just returned from a city where well dressed civilized people gather in the park to chat and clean up after their dogs.

In the morning dog owners are found
In the park, just standing around
With a full coffee cup
And a bag to pick up
What their dogs have just dropped on the ground.

In the evening again you may find
That they're back in the park to unwind
Drinking wine from a glass
While watching the grass
To pick up what their dogs leave behind.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The 114th Congress

Republicans now have a majority in both the Senate and the House.  John Boehner and Mitch McConnell were both reelected as the party leaders, and promised to get more done than the 113th, which doesn’t set a very high bar. 

Republicans predict progress this session.
Their majority raises the question,
After six years
Can Boehner switch gears
From a froward to forward direction?

Yes,  froward - adj. difficult to deal with, contrary.  Except when I’ve used it, I’ve only seen the word once, on a vocabulary test.

After six years of obstructiveness
Can Mitch repress contrariness?
He’s been trying to send a 
New message - new agenda;
Teaching his party to say YES.

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Year Anniversary

I started this blog a year ago yesterday, so we'll see what 2015 brings.  No promises, no predictions.

After a year is it time for review?
What is it that I'm trying to do?
I hope to find humor
With insights or views or
Opinions with a twist or askew.

I've tried to avoid all pretensions
While posting some good ones and bad ones
I know I've been lax
About grammar and syntax
And meter, forced rhymes and bad puns.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Are You Ready For Season Five of Downton Abbey?

A few days ago I posted that I had forgotten much of what had happened in Downton Abbey (especially season four) and admitted that I could use a series summary.

On page one of the Times, it was there
An answer to my limerical prayer
Episode summaries
Downton Abbey for Dummies
Four seasons, though the details were spare.

My brief summary of plot highlights (in an earlier post) contained an error, for which I most humbly apologize.

I apologize for not getting things right
I misspoke about Lady Edith's plight
The baby has not
Been dropped from the plot,
She's nearby, not quite out of sight.