Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Remembering the Reunion

Who are these people?

I recognized the ones I knew best
I was happy to see all the rest
But some of the faces
The stories and places
Really put my memory to the test.

Here's my number, give me a call.

It ended out on the ball field
With more pictures and stories revealed
Addresses exchanged
Vague plans arranged
Solemn pacts to keep in touch were sealed.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Francis Speaks, Who is Listening?

Pope Francis is visiting the U.S. this week, eating lunch with the homeless rather than with members of Congress, and knocking Trumpty-Dumpty off  the wall....

A humble man of the people, this Pope
He is giving so many such hope
That the Vatican might find
Through his open mind
A way to soften and broaden its scope.

John Boehner ( soon to be former Speaker ) invited the Pope to speak before Congress, as what?
a). Head of State, normally invited by Presidents only
b). Head of a Church, muddying the separation of Church and State
c). Conservative advocate, only to realize that as much as Boehner might like the sex and sanctity bit, he disagrees with Francis's uninfluenced by lobbyists views on immigration, capitalist greed, tolerance and environmental degradation...

Their faith in the Church is still strong
Yet they find that they can't go along
Because he places reliance 
On empathy and science
So this Pope must be totally wrong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One Down, One to Go

I just attended the first of two high school reunions ( explanation available by request ), and it set the bar high for the second in two weeks.

In praise of the organizing committee

Plan a reunion? No prob!
Organize this feline like mob?
They said it was fun
And still got the work done
A fan-( insert your own emphasis here )-ing-tastic great job! 

I know that the planners really tried
To make sure we were all satisfied
They did all they could
Which was very good
But we missed all the classmates who've died.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

G.O.P. Campaign in a Nutshell

The generic candidate’s speech is…

We’re gonna take our country back
We’re gonna be safe from attack
The economy will soar
No climate change anymore
And we’ll substitute fiction for fact.

... and the leader is …

Trump’s on the stump every day
Crowds love what he has to say
His appeal is amazing
And somewhat hair-raising
If he wins there will be hell toupee.

Monday, September 7, 2015

What Would You Do?

If you were awakened at 4:00 AM by an intruder?

We had an unarmed intruder last night
He startled me and gave me a fright
But I grabbed a trash can
To fight like a man
The squirrel ran, but he put up no fight.

Seriously it was a squirrel, but I was expecting a mouse.  The ‘extraction’ was successful.

Would it be different if I had a gun?
In that case what would I have done?
Would I have fired at will
In an effort to kill
A little creature who just wanted to run?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School

An upcoming High School reunion is bringing back some old memories.  Here are some comments on teachers I appreciated more after I graduated.  Both were tough, but they did teach.

French teacher Mme. Girard - I was in her class for French 2 through 4

Year one she wielded a battle axe
Was a stickler for accent and syntax
When we got to year four
The class wasn’t big anymore
And Mme. Girard could begin to relax.

Chemistry teacher Dorothy Smith - I took 2 years of Chemistry from her.

A few students had real trouble with
Their Chemistry teacher Ms. Smith
When she realized
They had plagiarized
Her toughness wasn’t only a myth.

But remember what Simone Signoret called her autobiography 
Nostalgia Isn't What It used to Be