Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School

An upcoming High School reunion is bringing back some old memories.  Here are some comments on teachers I appreciated more after I graduated.  Both were tough, but they did teach.

French teacher Mme. Girard - I was in her class for French 2 through 4

Year one she wielded a battle axe
Was a stickler for accent and syntax
When we got to year four
The class wasn’t big anymore
And Mme. Girard could begin to relax.

Chemistry teacher Dorothy Smith - I took 2 years of Chemistry from her.

A few students had real trouble with
Their Chemistry teacher Ms. Smith
When she realized
They had plagiarized
Her toughness wasn’t only a myth.

But remember what Simone Signoret called her autobiography 
Nostalgia Isn't What It used to Be

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