Wednesday, January 20, 2016

 Ego vs. Ego

Right now the two leading Republican Presidential Hopefuls are fighting for the right end of the right wing.  In a couple of weeks one of them will lose in the Iowa caucuses, then comes New Hampshire, then …  May the losing continue.

They’re crazy, they’re wacko, they’re crackers
Yet they’ve stirred up too many backers
Even if they lose
(Don Trump and Ted Cruz)
They’ll be platform committee hijackers.

Will Trump, self proclaimed world’s greatest winner, vaporize if he doesn’t win?

Trump is wealthy and he loves to strut
He’s a winner at everything, but
He’s angry as hell
That’s his pitch in a nutshell
And inside that nutshell’s a nut.

Canadian born Cruz lost one of his only friends, Trump,  when he started polling well in Iowa.

Iowa voters are now in the news
And Cruz is there paying his dues
They like his views
And somebody mused
The caucuses are Cruz’s to lose.

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