Saturday, February 27, 2016

Win, Win, Win, Win, Win

Trump is an unusual candidate.  Unfortunately, you can’t read this one out loud.

Trump’s prowess - he tends to inflate
Trump’s  facts - he will fabricate
But the fact is
He’s fulfilling one promise,
He’s making  America Grate.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Countdown Reset

Oh! I thought I was so clever, but I was just wrong.  But it would have been more of a shock than Sprat turning up in Edith’s office.

I should have kept my mouth shut
But I opined and rhymed like a nut
I was dead wrong
But I wrote on and on
Mary went and married young Talbot.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Downton Countdown III

Two episodes left.  I wanted to post this as a possibility before the scriptwriters prove me wrong.

Lady Mary still wishes to wed
A rich bloke who is properly bred
I may not be right
But I think one night
Tom Branson may be in her bed.

And why would I think this?  One reason is that Tom Branson treats her like a person, not a trophy to be won.  Another is, who’s left  now that Mary has blown off another ardent admirer?

When Mary has any trouble or care
Tom Branson is always right there
He treats her well
And sees through her shell
And protects the estate for her heir.

I know I’ve gone out on a limb
Of all possible suitors, why him?
There must be a reason
He came back this season
And her prospects elsewhere are now slim.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Downton Countdown II

Just two episodes left to rinse the soap off this drama.  Last week I complained about Carson, and suggested the writers kill him off.  I still would vote for that in the scriptwriter’s meeting, but in the meantime Ms. Patmore and Ms. Hughes had a brilliant idea.

As he moved round the kitchen he stumbled
He bumbled, he groused and he grumbled
As Carson worked
Mrs. Hughes smirked
But was he sufficiently humbled?

Episode Seven cleared up Moseley’s future, but Barrows’ future is still held tightly in the writers’ hands.  

With Barrows they haven’t a clue
They’re attempting to find something new
He was good at playing bad
Now he’s lonely and sad
He’s survived all that they’ve put him through.

They’ve tried hard to break Barrows free
Of Carson’s overt enmity
They’ve given him the skill set
So the writers could get
Him a job as restaurant maitre d’.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Countdown to Downton Finale

Downton Abbey will end after 3 more episodes.  The scriptwriters have several story lines to resolve.  Here are some of my thoughts:

Since Carson has married his lass
He allows no imperfections to pass
He’ll never retire
So let him expire
I’m tired of the old pompous ass.

Despite that suggestion, I hope the scriptwriters learned better ways to resolve problems after killing off Sybil and Matthew.

And then there are Anna and Bates
Tossed around by malevolent Fates
But they muddle through
They smile and they coo
One’s in trouble and the other one waits.

The Duchess will not compromise
So this is what I would advise
(The world will give thanks)
Fill her script with blanks
And let Maggie Smith improvise.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


New Hampshire primary day is here, and the media are saying that Jeb Bush has upped his game.  Decide for yourself.

There was silence, dead air, a long gap
The audience kept their hands in their lap
Jeb Bush went off script
He deftly ad libbed
And said to his listeners “Please clap”.

He wasn’t blowharding, he was refined
He was polite, and a little resigned
But what he did there
No speechwriter would dare
He reimagined their treasured applause line.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February is the Decider

Somewhere there are supercomputers making billions of calculations each second to try to predict next week’s weather, yet what do many people count on for weather forecasting?

We’re waiting for February second
When a groundhog will shyly ascend
From his hole in the ground,
Take a look around,
And decide when winter will end.

And think of the money that is spent on polling and economic research, when next week's Super Bowl will tell all.  If the NFC  Panthers win, the stock market will rise this year and the Democrats will win in the fall.  If the AFC Broncos win, stocks will fall and Republicans will win the election.  Then again, if it’s close the Democrats will win, and a rout will favor Republicans, and if the Redskins won their last home game … 

The Super Bowl is important to all
It predicts if stocks rise or they fall
And which conference wins
Is what determines
Who will host the Inaugural Ball.