Wednesday, March 16, 2016

 Advise and Consent Version 2.016

It’s been a month since Antonin Scalia died while a guest at a Rich Men’s Hangout Hunting, Shooting, Bonding, Secret, Closed Door, No Questions Answered, Retreat in Texas.  Almost before they could get the body out of Texas, the GOP announced it would not ‘Advise and Consent’ on ANY candidate submitted by the President as a replacement for the Justice who believed the Constitution was right about everything.

Within hours of Scalia’s demise
McConnell vowed no compromise
They’ll stall and circumvent 
Constitution and President
With closed minds, closed ears and closed eyes.

The following is not based on verifiable evidence, but on rumor, innuendo and imagination.  It’s publication is protected by the First Amendment and permitted by poetic license (pending).

Those who paid for his Texas retreat
Are irked he vacated his seat
The judge in their pocket
Missed their cases on the docket
Scalia died with his job incomplete.

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