Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The SessionsSessions

I really don’t recall anything so vapid after such a build up.  Are Ignorance, Memory Loss and Evasiveness longstanding Department of Justice policies that might or might not be written down somewhere?  Maybe someone could research that?  We know about the current Attorney General’s longstanding policies toward women and minorities.

Harris and Warren are PerSisters
Silenced by Cease and Desisters
They wished to say more
Were shut down on the Floor
By We-Run-The-Show-Ladies Misters.

I didn’t know that ‘sistere’ is ‘to stop’ in Latin.  And despite its origin hysterical is a neutral term, according to CNN commentators who used the word to describe Kamala Harris.

Harris questioned with unhurried pace
Polite and not out of place
But Sessions, who flustered
And McCain, who then blustered
Were the hysterical ones in this case.

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