Sunday, June 5, 2016

In Other Words

I posted an incomplete limerick about Bernie and Hillary that took me a while to finish.

If the wire is where these two meet
The criticisms they’ve voiced in the heat
May come back to haunt them
Trump will use them to taunt them
And it’s Trump that we have to defeat.

Yeah Him!  - From the NY Times:

But others simply believe Mr. Trump is unfit to serve in the Oval Office. Michael K. Vlock, a Connecticut investor who has given nearly $5 million to Republicans at the federal level since 2014, said he considered Mr. Trump a dangerous person.

“He’s an ignorant, amoral, dishonest and manipulative, misogynistic, philandering, hyper-litigious, isolationist, protectionist blowhard,” Mr. Vlock said.

Mr. Vlock said he might give to Hillary Clinton instead, describing her as “the devil we know.”

He’s a draft dodging war mongering phony
A backstabbing litigious crony
A bigoted, tactless
Bullying, tactless
Spewer of odious baloney.

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