Saturday, January 28, 2017

One Week

Only 94 to go until the next election.  In the meantime I can only dream that 3 Republican Senators will get so fed up with the White House Circus that they switch their party affiliation to Democrat.  Then committee heads change and we might survive.

The GOP rules the Senate with glee
If only a courageous three
Would change affiliation
And show the nation
They value US more than blind loyalty.

Crowd size, 5 million illegal votes (110% of them for Hillary), the Cabinet with the highest IQ ever (and that includes Rick Perry nominee for head of the Ummmm, Umm Department) and it’s only taken him a week to cement his status as the smartest, most competent, healthiest, most successful, popular, trustworthy ever.  Believe me.

He’s a mendacious amoral jerk
Who’s gone from bizarre to berserk
Dishonesty mounts
Over crowd size and vote counts
Does anyone think this will work?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Remember birtherism, remember ‘you lie’  during the State of the Union speech, remember welcoming Obama as a socialist, muslim, anti-American, not-one-of-us community organizer?

Give Trump a chance people say
Because that’s the American way.
But racism and hate
In two thousand eight
Was patriotic and therefore OK.

and how the Republicans under Mitch We Know What’s Best for You Idiots Who Elected a Black Man McConnell repurposed Nancy Reagan’s Just Say No for their guiding principle?

Mitch and his mates were hell-bent
To make Barack a one term president.
Here’s to equal success
With the regressiveness
Of his new legislative intent.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

 One Day at a Time

Imagine that these were unformatted, 140 characters long and delivered to millions of followers at 4:00 in the morning.

They’ve sold out of dresses to wear
And no hotel rooms to spare
So many bands want to play
I had to turn them away
Everyone wants to be there.

It will take too long to complete
There are too many words to repeat
Trust me on this
I’m the best that there is
I’ll do the dumb oath with a tweet.

Friday, January 13, 2017

All is Fair

Last week Trump lost front page headlines to a dead President.  As suspected by LBJ, Nixon monkey wrenched the Viet Nam peace talks to win the ’68 election.  He didn’t need Russia’s help, just a couple of emissaries.

Was Trump the conniver outraged?
On learning how campaigns are waged?
Tricky Dick was inspired
No hacking required
And the President Elect was upstaged.

Then Mitch McConnell miraculously flipped from Senate Inaction to Senate In Action.  Must have been his New Year’s Resolution.

McConnell: Dems should ‘grow up’ and consider Trump nominees

It makes me want to throw up
Mr. Senate-Means-Business shows up
After eight years of NO WAY
He has the chutzpah to say
‘It’s time for the Dems to grow up.’

Trump is not the only sleaze ball out there.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Therein Lies the Truth?

From the Washington Post:

On “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd pressed Wall Street Journal editor in chief Gerard Baker on whether his paper would call out Trump’s lies for what they are, as other news orgs have been doing with more regularity. Baker’s response is worth quoting in full, because it should go into the time capsule for future generations to ponder in puzzling out what happened in this country at the outset of the 21st century:

I’d be careful about using the word, “lie.” “Lie” implies much more than just saying something that’s false. It implies a deliberate intent to mislead. … when Donald Trump says thousands of people were on the rooftops of New Jersey on 9/11 celebrating, thousands of Muslims were there celebrating, I think it’s right to investigate that claim, to report what we found, which is that nobody found any evidence of that whatsoever, and to say that.

Definition of lie

intransitive verb
1:  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2:  to create a false or misleading impression

When is a lie called a lie?
Must one honestly try
To mislead and deceive,
To truly disbelieve
An untruth one cannot deny?

A fib and a lie are the same
Falsehood’s the name of the game
A mendacious tweet
Smells just as sweet
As BS by any other name.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It's a Brand New Year

And that brand is Trump and one of his biggest supporters is Vladimir Putin.

Donald is enamored with Vlad
Their relations are just a bit odd
They are good buddies yet,
They've never met
They are like two peas in a pod.

Vladimir grabs countries when possible
Donald grabs just the first syllable
Donald's lost at sea,
Vlad's ex KGB
And plays Mr. Trump like a fiddle.

This marks the 3rd anniversary of this blog.  Hope you've been enjoying it.