Saturday, January 28, 2017

One Week

Only 94 to go until the next election.  In the meantime I can only dream that 3 Republican Senators will get so fed up with the White House Circus that they switch their party affiliation to Democrat.  Then committee heads change and we might survive.

The GOP rules the Senate with glee
If only a courageous three
Would change affiliation
And show the nation
They value US more than blind loyalty.

Crowd size, 5 million illegal votes (110% of them for Hillary), the Cabinet with the highest IQ ever (and that includes Rick Perry nominee for head of the Ummmm, Umm Department) and it’s only taken him a week to cement his status as the smartest, most competent, healthiest, most successful, popular, trustworthy ever.  Believe me.

He’s a mendacious amoral jerk
Who’s gone from bizarre to berserk
Dishonesty mounts
Over crowd size and vote counts
Does anyone think this will work?

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