Friday, January 13, 2017

All is Fair

Last week Trump lost front page headlines to a dead President.  As suspected by LBJ, Nixon monkey wrenched the Viet Nam peace talks to win the ’68 election.  He didn’t need Russia’s help, just a couple of emissaries.

Was Trump the conniver outraged?
On learning how campaigns are waged?
Tricky Dick was inspired
No hacking required
And the President Elect was upstaged.

Then Mitch McConnell miraculously flipped from Senate Inaction to Senate In Action.  Must have been his New Year’s Resolution.

McConnell: Dems should ‘grow up’ and consider Trump nominees

It makes me want to throw up
Mr. Senate-Means-Business shows up
After eight years of NO WAY
He has the chutzpah to say
‘It’s time for the Dems to grow up.’

Trump is not the only sleaze ball out there.

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