Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween

Last summer featured a production of the new play R&J&Z (Romeo and Juliet and Zombies) purporting to show what happens after Shakespeare gave up once his protagonists died.

Zombies are the monsters du jour
Invading Shakesperean literature
- Romeo and Juliet -
Not Macbeth or Hamlet
Does undying love still endure?

If Jane Austen were alive today would she be writing about Zombies?

Zombies now haunt Pemberly!
Incongruity to the highest degree!
The undead have been tossed in
The world of Jane Austen
Of etiquette and lively repartee.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

$30 per VoteYou Get What You Pay For.

Apparently in this election over $4 billion will be spent to influence votes, that’s not counting ‘dark money‘ that isn’t tracked.  In 2012 fewer than 120 million people voted.

Supreme Court decisions enhance
The power of surreptitious finance
But cash calls the tunes
The justices are buffoons
If they don’t see the candidates dance.

Clean campaigns are a joke
Transparency has gone up in smoke
Though on each side
Donors may hide
The right wing’s addicted to Koch.

So we get the best representatives money can buy?  In a recent vote on a bill that would ensure that in some cases women would be paid at the same rate as men,  ALL Republican women voted against it.  Did they also agree to take a 20 to 30% cut in pay?  If not, why not?

Paying them less isn’t right
You’d think women would stand up and fight
But they all voted nay
On a law for equal pay
Republican Women Unite!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I’m Working on a Title for This One

It’s a powerful, natural force
Physicists are seeking its source
Their lack of progress
Could be expected, I guess
They’re studying procrastination of course.

This weekend I finally started getting the sailboat ready to be hauled out of the water, even though I had only used it once this summer.  Next year ...

It was  job I could no longer postpone
I sought no help, I just did it alone
But I really don’t mind
Working solo I find
More leeway to gripe, bitch and moan.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Omitted by Design?

When Opera House Arts announced their expansion plans with a press release last spring, they gave themselves credit for an image I created, and neglected to mention Eric A Chase, Architecture (for whom I work) as their Architect.  In their latest newsletter publicizing the new lobby and scenery shop they again neglected to name their architect, though they mentioned others involved in the project.  

In promoting their new facility
The owners gave donors publicity
They thanked the builder as well
The architect’s name was withheld
Thus preserving my anonymity.

They gave another architect credit

For a quick little sketch that he did
The builder-to-be
Got promotion - for free
But the project’s architect? Fuhgedit!

Click on the title Other Stuff (at right) to read more.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Less Than a Month to Election Day

If we don’t like the current Congress members and think they are doing a lousy job, why do we re-elect them?

Many cry ‘trow da bums out’
But the outcome is rarely in doubt
Unless someone retools
Congressional districting rules
Most incumbents will win in a rout.

Among the many reasons to thank the military is their contribution to the American / English language.  A glossary is printed below.

Congress is a major SNAFU
This session it’s even FUMTU
Compromise is AWOL
The COA is stall
It’s FUBAR all the way through.

SANFU - Pronounced sna-fu - Situation Normal All Fouled Up
FUMTU - Pronounced fum -tu - Frigged Up More Than Usual
AWOL - pronounced a- wall - Absent With Out Leave
COA - pronounced See Oh Ay - Course of Action
FUBAR - pronounced fu-bar - Fricked Up Beyond All Recognition

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Got Any Enthusiasm to Spare?

I don’t feel like working today
I’d like to stay home and play
Relax and have fun,
There’s too much to get done
I’d just work around the house for no pay.

I try to rekindle the fire
Some mornings I lack the desire
I need something new
A different point of view
Perhaps it’s time to retire.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reunion Muse

Every 5 years my college class puts together a report from - very to not so - brief summaries of our activities for the last few years.

In the reunion report one reads
Of many classmates’ notable deeds
What is not evident
Is the bios not sent;
How well the silent half succeeds.

Many classmates write a modest report (a well known movie star, a wealthy software tycoon, a Nobel Prize winner), many don’t respond at all (a well known composer, a Nobel prize winner, and who knows who else?).  Some (see below) seem to be practicing the art of humblebragging (new entry in the OED).

Many classmates say they feel blessed.
The source of that blessing? My Guess?
In the glowing reports
Of wise choices and efforts
The gratitude seems self addressed.