Saturday, October 11, 2014

Less Than a Month to Election Day

If we don’t like the current Congress members and think they are doing a lousy job, why do we re-elect them?

Many cry ‘trow da bums out’
But the outcome is rarely in doubt
Unless someone retools
Congressional districting rules
Most incumbents will win in a rout.

Among the many reasons to thank the military is their contribution to the American / English language.  A glossary is printed below.

Congress is a major SNAFU
This session it’s even FUMTU
Compromise is AWOL
The COA is stall
It’s FUBAR all the way through.

SANFU - Pronounced sna-fu - Situation Normal All Fouled Up
FUMTU - Pronounced fum -tu - Frigged Up More Than Usual
AWOL - pronounced a- wall - Absent With Out Leave
COA - pronounced See Oh Ay - Course of Action
FUBAR - pronounced fu-bar - Fricked Up Beyond All Recognition

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