Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reunion Muse

Every 5 years my college class puts together a report from - very to not so - brief summaries of our activities for the last few years.

In the reunion report one reads
Of many classmates’ notable deeds
What is not evident
Is the bios not sent;
How well the silent half succeeds.

Many classmates write a modest report (a well known movie star, a wealthy software tycoon, a Nobel Prize winner), many don’t respond at all (a well known composer, a Nobel prize winner, and who knows who else?).  Some (see below) seem to be practicing the art of humblebragging (new entry in the OED).

Many classmates say they feel blessed.
The source of that blessing? My Guess?
In the glowing reports
Of wise choices and efforts
The gratitude seems self addressed.

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