Saturday, October 25, 2014

$30 per VoteYou Get What You Pay For.

Apparently in this election over $4 billion will be spent to influence votes, that’s not counting ‘dark money‘ that isn’t tracked.  In 2012 fewer than 120 million people voted.

Supreme Court decisions enhance
The power of surreptitious finance
But cash calls the tunes
The justices are buffoons
If they don’t see the candidates dance.

Clean campaigns are a joke
Transparency has gone up in smoke
Though on each side
Donors may hide
The right wing’s addicted to Koch.

So we get the best representatives money can buy?  In a recent vote on a bill that would ensure that in some cases women would be paid at the same rate as men,  ALL Republican women voted against it.  Did they also agree to take a 20 to 30% cut in pay?  If not, why not?

Paying them less isn’t right
You’d think women would stand up and fight
But they all voted nay
On a law for equal pay
Republican Women Unite!

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